IXIY Hosting is a low cost web hosting service provider specializes in blog hosting and small business web hosting.
Blog Hosting is the hosting market we have been focusing and putting effort in providing excellent service since 2005. Newbie blogger or veteran blogger, we are always here for you. In IXIY Hosting, we go an extra mile to offer free assistance upon request to new bloggers. Setting up Wordpress blog? Moving content from old blog? No problem!
Small Business Web Hosting offers you the piece of mind to run online business. We use only premium servers running minimum Dual Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor and SA-SCSI RAID harddisk. Our business growth depends upon your success, so rest assured you’ll get the best from us. On top of that, the ability to host multiple domains in the same hosting account gives an extra space for your business expansion too. Want to grow your small business to enterprise business? No problem!